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Tag: zahira s schmidt

Comprehensive Treatment for Whiplash & Traumatic Brain Injury: Working Together for Optimum Recovery

Comprehensive Treatment for Whiplash & Traumatic Brain Injury: Working Together for Optimum Recovery

Whiplash & Traumatic Brain Injury   A study, published in the July 2010 issue of the journal Brain Injury, examined MRI scans of 1200 neck pain patients and found that those suffering from whiplash were more likely to have anatomical changes to the brain resulting in brain injury. Preliminary findings showed that brain injury occurred in 23% of the whiplash cases studied.   With state of the art digital motion-ray technology, on-site physical therapists, massage therapists and quality chiropractic care,…

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Communication: Relationship Success or Failure?

Communication: Relationship Success or Failure?

Communication… the most essential concept of success in any endeavor yet the most failed at; it is the process of information flow and idea exchange through a series of verbal and non-verbal actions. Conflicts generally tend to be simple cases of miscommunication and have the potential to be clarified with improved communication tactics. Unfortunately, when our emotions become involved, the majority of us tend to react with illogical responses. The most important component of a relationship is open communication. GIRLS…

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The more knowledge I gain, the more I understand the impact of attitude on life and everything around it. Attitude is one of those remarkable things in our everyday lives and this is why: Every single day when we wake up, WE HAVE A CHOICE regarding the attitude we embrace for that day. Life has so many aspects that afford us absolutely no control; entities such as time, weather, others around us, and so on will continue on whether we…

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The Definition of Leadership & My Interpretation

The Definition of Leadership & My Interpretation

    According to research, the definition of leadership is: a process in which an individual influences, directs, guides, and empowers others to achieve a common goal.   Peter Drucker claims the famous quote, “management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”   My personal interpretation of leadership is constantly growing and becoming more defined as I gain knowledge and experience. What is it that distinguishes a leader from a follower? Personally, I believe every true leader…

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Pathological Tendencies

Pathological Tendencies

As adults, we tend to meet people from all walks of life. Whether we network professionally, socially, online, personally, or randomly start up a conversation with someone sitting next to us; we have all encountered the guy/gal who chooses to exist in his/her own fabrications of reality. This sort of individual chooses to construct alternate versions of the truth and ultimately generates the downfall of many relationships. Those with a pathological tendency are typically unhappy and choose to surround themselves…

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Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you’ll be criticized anyway. You’ll be damned if you do and damned if you don’t. – Eleanor Roosevelt

Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you’ll be criticized anyway. You’ll be damned if you do and damned if you don’t. – Eleanor Roosevelt

“Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.” –Pope John XXIII It is far easier said than done and I am just as guilty of what I am stating we should not do as anyone else, but I wake up every morning and I convince myself that…

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Wage Gap? What do YOU think?

Wage Gap? What do YOU think?

Depending on whether one looks at global statistics or American statistics, there is a significant difference in men and women’s typical earnings. The focus here will be solely on data collected for the United States. I became extremely interested in this after a conversation I had with someone on campus so I figured I would share what I learned. The numbers tell a story but, where the numbers come from is a much more interesting one. The gender wage gap…

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Price Controls in A Free Market

Price Controls in A Free Market

“There is no such thing as a free lunch.”   This has been a staple of economic education for years. Nothing is free and the thought that something can be given for free, with no relative cost, crosses over beyond the realm of naivety into ignorance and unrealistic expectations. Price controls, the establishment and maintenance of maximum price levels for basic goods and services by the government, are sold as a possible reality when in truth, they come with dangerous…

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“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” – Robert F. Kennedy Greatness is not primarily a function of circumstance; but largely a matter of conscious choice and discipline that can not be achieved without an enormous amount of hard work. There is simply no evidence of successful high-level performance without experience or practice. High expectations are exceedingly important and you must always expect more from yourself than anyone expects from you. You must dream more, learn…

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Leadership is not solely having the power to tell someone what to do… quite the contrary. True leadership says, “Here, watch me and how I do this… OK… Now you try. I will help you understand and help you improve your skill set. How can I help you further?” A True leader focuses on developing followers into leaders. Transformational leadership, in my opinion, is the only way to lead. However, one must fully understand one’s self before any attempt to…

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The Supply & Demand of Quality Education & Educators

The Supply & Demand of Quality Education & Educators

Education in America’s public school system has shockingly disappointed the nation’s future. Arguments attacking the private school system have been founded as well, claiming the private system is experiencing just as much controversy; however the documentary entitled “Waiting for Superman” focused solely on the Public School system with its strengths and downfalls. The statistics of students and correlating proficiency-testing scores in America are depressingly below global standards. The design of the public system and its educators is the heart of…

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Guidelines to Enabling Knowledge

Guidelines to Enabling Knowledge

Knowledge is defined as justified true belief. The essence of an organization’s activities resides in communication; communication among its members and communication with people outside the organization. Instilling a Knowledge Vision: Communicate the organization’s vision until the organization’s members begin to move to execute that vision. By instilling an effective knowledge vision, the organization’s members will have a better understanding of the core values or justification criteria for knowledge management. Knowledge vision indicates the justification criteria for knowledge creation. The…

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