Some days make you want to just… quit. So, what do you do?

Some days make you want to just… quit. So, what do you do?

Everybody knows about the days I’m referencing. You wake up, the morning begins, and… every single thing that CAN go wrong, in the most annoying sense, does go wrong. The weather is gloomy/raining, the babies are moody and emotional, the dishwasher breaks, the house gets messier AS YOU ARE CLEANING, the laundry NEEDS to get into the dryer, and you can’t seem to get to anything you need to do because you’re just putting out little fires everywhere. My response to everything is, “Why?”, “Why?”, and “What, WHY?!”… I stepped out onto the balcony and tried to center my self and figure out a solution because… this wasn’t working, for anybody.

With one baby screaming at me and the other upset, I prepared a little lunch and fed them. As I stood in the kitchen, watching them quietly eat their food, I realized a few things. The silence I was experiencing was incredibly relieving. I no longer felt like exploding. I decided right there, that the dishwasher can wait, the packing materials can be set down, the laptop can be closed, the phone can be put down, the vacuum can be set down, the laundry still needs to go into the dryer but, my babies needed me. In that moment, they needed me more than I needed to complete a list of tasks. I hate feeling behind on tasks and I definitely don’t enjoy having a messy house… who does? But, in that moment, I had to ask myself, “What is most important in THIS moment?” Was it to pack that next box? Was it to fix the dishwasher so that I can do the dishes? Respond to emails? Finish cleaning? Ensure my babies feel better so that the remainder of the day will take a more positive turn?

After they finished their lunches, I sat them down on the couch and just snuggled them. The pause and return snuggles meant the world to my Mama heart. Just for today… maybe snuggles on the couch should be the entire list of tasks, till we have to leave for lessons/practice. After the little one fell asleep, I transferred him to his bed with a kiss and an extra snuggle. I snuggled and asked the older one if she wanted to finish her lessons now or after watching a favorite movie. Of course she chose Frozen, lol. But, writing this post allowed her to enjoy a movie of her own and, as it comes to an end, she is telling me she is ready to finish her homeschool lessons for the day. So far, the day is already 1000 times better.


One thought on “Some days make you want to just… quit. So, what do you do?

  1. I think you do the most amazing job with our children and I’m very glad you can find peace in the time you spend with them. Here is to finding more time to zen out in our own mind space while we raise the most awesome offspring we can!

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