Hello 2023

Hello 2023

Hello world! 2022 was a big year for me. Life has been pretty crazy… crazy awesome! I was walking home from the gym and began reminiscing about my fitness journey over the course of my life.
I was exposed to the the fitness world when I was in 7th grade and about 12 years old. My teenage years were incredibly transforming because I discovered weights and swimming. In my 20s, it was “go hard ALL THE TIME – Make those gains.” My 30s were spent improving and fine tuning until babies came into the picture. Nowadays, with a couple kids, homeschooling, kids’ sports and activities, my fitness routine is whenever I can get some fitness in… Most days I’m lucky if I can get a quick 20 minute session in. I feel terrible if I miss a day and force myself to get at least 20 minutes of cardio even if I feel icky. We all have those days but the trick is to not give in to that icky feeling… I always feel better after some activity, it’s just pushing past that initial ick.
As the babies get older and more independent, I plan on getting back to the kick-ass routines of fitness; but for now, my plan is to stay as active as possible and keep up with my babies so that they can kick ass.

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