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Tag: knowledge

Social Penetration Theory Applied

Social Penetration Theory Applied

Social penetration theory asserts the concept of metaphorically, peeling back more and more layers of an individual’s emotional, psychological, and deeply personal psyche, through the journey and active pursuit of constructing a strong foundational base; therefore perpetually solidifying the orientation phase by progressing and assuming the opportunity and risk of beginning the exploratory affective stage. We, as individuals, begin to slowly merge our individual worlds into a combined effort of seeking out the deeper layers in our significant other by…

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Communication Theories Defined

Communication Theories Defined

Defining Communication Theories in a technical environment is simple enough, if one’s knowledge base has a solid foundation. Applying or acknowledging the utilization of each theory into one’s daily existence however, produces interestingly thought-provoking results due to the human variable… an entity of perpetual analysis and transformation.   Communication is essentially a process, the production and exchange of more than just information; as a term, it encompasses such a wide variety of definitions.     “Communication” can be labeled as…

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Arlington Cemetery

Arlington Cemetery

ARLINGTON CEMETERY  Jeopardy Question: On Jeopardy the other night, the final question was  “How many steps does the guard take during his  walk across the tomb of the Unknowns” —-  All three contestants missed it! — This is really an awesome sight to watch if you’ve  never had the chance.  Very fascinating.  Tomb of the Unknown Soldier 1.  How many steps does the guard take during his  walk across the tomb of the Unknowns  and why?  21 steps:  It alludes to…

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Heart Disease

Heart Disease

  Heart Disease is an umbrella category that encompasses several conditions affecting the heart. Conditions categorized under heart disease include coronary heart disease, heart attack, congestive heart failure, congenital heart disease, arrhythmia, heart defects, and other life threatening conditions.                 Heart disease customarily refers to any and all conditions involving the blood vessels, running to and from the heart, being narrowed or blocked and stressed. These critical incidents almost always lead to chest pains,…

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10 Reasons Why Change is Valuable

10 Reasons Why Change is Valuable

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor is it the most intelligent that survives… It is those who prove to be the most adaptable to change that will survive, conquer, and dominate unchallenged. Charles Darwin was onto something when he referenced adaptability. Change is the common denominator in all things that utilize progress whether positive or negative, and thus, change inevitably leads to constant innovation and inspiration. The following are simply my top 10 reasons CHANGE is intelligent…

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Global Economics in History

Global Economics in History

Globalization encompasses the changes regarding international trade and economy; falling trade barriers, unrestricted capital flows fueled by technological innovation, and a new mobile global work force would all combine. The global economy transforms by online financial markets, transnational mergers and currency speculation that dwarfs trade in goods and services. It is crucial that countries guarantee they are fostering a culture that encourages alertness, responsiveness, flexibility, and speeding up the cycle time of processes and decisions. For in order to reap…

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Income and Expenses

Income and Expenses

What is income? Income is the money that you make. There are several sources of income. The most common form of income is the paycheck you receive from your employer, usually either a weekly or biweekly basis. However, there are other forms of income besides a paycheck. Some other common forms of income include: • Child Support • Alimony • Unemployment Benefits • Interest Income • Dividend Income • Rental Income • Social Security Disability Income • Self-Employment Income •…

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Have you guys seen this?? It’s AWESOME!! The Raspberry Pi is a computer the size of a credit card and can be utilized as a desktop PC. The guys who developed this amazing piece of technology want to see it as a gateway tool for kids all over the world to learn programming. The company is a charity foundation based out of the U.K and accomplishing BIG things; +Google just gave them a grant worth $1M to fund free Raspberry…

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The Definition of Leadership & My Interpretation

The Definition of Leadership & My Interpretation

    According to research, the definition of leadership is: a process in which an individual influences, directs, guides, and empowers others to achieve a common goal.   Peter Drucker claims the famous quote, “management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”   My personal interpretation of leadership is constantly growing and becoming more defined as I gain knowledge and experience. What is it that distinguishes a leader from a follower? Personally, I believe every true leader…

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“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” – Robert F. Kennedy Greatness is not primarily a function of circumstance; but largely a matter of conscious choice and discipline that can not be achieved without an enormous amount of hard work. There is simply no evidence of successful high-level performance without experience or practice. High expectations are exceedingly important and you must always expect more from yourself than anyone expects from you. You must dream more, learn…

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Guidelines to Enabling Knowledge

Guidelines to Enabling Knowledge

Knowledge is defined as justified true belief. The essence of an organization’s activities resides in communication; communication among its members and communication with people outside the organization. Instilling a Knowledge Vision: Communicate the organization’s vision until the organization’s members begin to move to execute that vision. By instilling an effective knowledge vision, the organization’s members will have a better understanding of the core values or justification criteria for knowledge management. Knowledge vision indicates the justification criteria for knowledge creation. The…

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