Pacific Coast Highway Bike Trip – Day 4
Venice Beach to Long Beach
Distance – 35.23 Miles
Elevation Gain – 750ft
Average Speed – 9.1 mph
Duration – 3:52:01
Day 4 we had a super late start due to equipment failure. We had to swing through a couple different bike shops to remedy the situation before the day’s ride. We stopped at a playground to start the day off correctly and began our trek. We were able to experience Venice Beach, Redondo Beach and Shoreline Village in Long Beach before settling down in a hotel again.
The air quality today was a little rough, due to the fire, and our ride to Long Beach required us to ride through Los Angeles until we got to the L.A. River. As overwhelming as it seems, to have to ride through Los Angeles traffic on a bicycle, we had absolutely no issues and had a very pleasant ride! No major winds today, beautiful sunny weather and agreeable traffic made the ride today awesome! The Redondo Beach Pier was super fun for a stop and stroll. We stopped, walked, ate and had a blast before heading out. When we arrived in Long Beach, we walked through Shoreline Village and had fun in their arcade, before riding to our hotel for the night. After taking showers, we ran out to the laundromat and did our laundry. All in all, another successful day!