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Tag: positivity

Income and Expenses

Income and Expenses

What is income? Income is the money that you make. There are several sources of income. The most common form of income is the paycheck you receive from your employer, usually either a weekly or biweekly basis. However, there are other forms of income besides a paycheck. Some other common forms of income include: • Child Support • Alimony • Unemployment Benefits • Interest Income • Dividend Income • Rental Income • Social Security Disability Income • Self-Employment Income •…

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Investment Options in Today’s Financial Market

Investment Options in Today’s Financial Market

Each year you should make it a goal to save at least ten (10%) percent of your net income for retirement. One of the best ways to ensure that you save ten (10%) percent of your net income is to open up a retirement account and have ten (10%) percent of each one of your paychecks automatically deposited into it. This idea is what is often referred to as “paying yourself first.” In order to make this happen, you will…

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Budget Development

Budget Development

What is a budget? This is a word we all know and use, but how accurately is it being utilized? A budget is a list of all planned income and expenses whether monthly, weekly, etc. Documenting your budget, whether on paper or digitally, truly helps you manage your money and how you spend it. By creating a budget and sticking to it, you are able to manage money in much simpler terms. By simplifying just this aspect of life, you…

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The more knowledge I gain, the more I understand the impact of attitude on life and everything around it. Attitude is one of those remarkable things in our everyday lives and this is why: Every single day when we wake up, WE HAVE A CHOICE regarding the attitude we embrace for that day. Life has so many aspects that afford us absolutely no control; entities such as time, weather, others around us, and so on will continue on whether we…

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Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you’ll be criticized anyway. You’ll be damned if you do and damned if you don’t. – Eleanor Roosevelt

Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you’ll be criticized anyway. You’ll be damned if you do and damned if you don’t. – Eleanor Roosevelt

“Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.” –Pope John XXIII It is far easier said than done and I am just as guilty of what I am stating we should not do as anyone else, but I wake up every morning and I convince myself that…

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“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” – Robert F. Kennedy Greatness is not primarily a function of circumstance; but largely a matter of conscious choice and discipline that can not be achieved without an enormous amount of hard work. There is simply no evidence of successful high-level performance without experience or practice. High expectations are exceedingly important and you must always expect more from yourself than anyone expects from you. You must dream more, learn…

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