Pacific Coast Highway Bike Trip – Day 1
Santa Barbara to Carpenteria State Beach
Distance – 12.31 Miles
Elevation Gain – 314ft
Average Speed – 9.0 mph
Duration – 1:20:33
For our first day, we decided to keep it simple and only ride to the first camp ground we could find hiker/biker camping. We left Santa Barbara, embarked on our first family bike tour with our two year old, and rode south to Carpenteria State Park. There, we were able to secure a hiker/biker camp site for only $10/person. Since Max is only 2, she was able to get through for free and we only had to pay for ourselves.
Day 1 was super simple and enjoyable!! We left Santa Barbara with fantastic weather and excitement. We set up camp and meandered along the beach until we were ready to make dinner and crash out. We all had a blast playing with the sand, running to and from the water, and just enjoying the beautiful setting.
The plan was to get up bright and early, eat some breakfast and head out for our first day of serious riding.