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Tag: perseverance



“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” – Robert F. Kennedy Greatness is not primarily a function of circumstance; but largely a matter of conscious choice and discipline that can not be achieved without an enormous amount of hard work. There is simply no evidence of successful high-level performance without experience or practice. High expectations are exceedingly important and you must always expect more from yourself than anyone expects from you. You must dream more, learn…

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Leadership is not solely having the power to tell someone what to do… quite the contrary. True leadership says, “Here, watch me and how I do this… OK… Now you try. I will help you understand and help you improve your skill set. How can I help you further?” A True leader focuses on developing followers into leaders. Transformational leadership, in my opinion, is the only way to lead. However, one must fully understand one’s self before any attempt to…

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